DVA: Free Franchise Expo to be held Washington DC April 9 – 11
March 23, 2010 by John Allen · 1 Comment
ShareIf you are in Washington DC April 9 – 11, 2010, The Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) would like to cordially invite you and all Veterans, Uniform Personnel, and families to attend a “FREE” Franchise Expo.
The Department of Veterans Affairs Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) and the International Franchise Association (IFA) jointly sponsor the Veterans Franchising Program known as “VetFran”
This event will be held at the Washington, DC Convention Center; April 9 – 11, 2010.
All personnel must pre-register for this free event. Online Registration Site: www.ifeinfo.com
Free Promotion Code: GPCVE
Please visit the VA Center for Veterans Enterprise (CVE) exhibit booth to receive more information on the “VetFran” Program. Exhibit Booth: 541