How to Sell Franchises – First Qualification Call
In the franchise sales process, it is the obligation of the salesman to recruit well qualified candidates that have the chance to become a high royalty producing franchisee. As part of our obligation, it is vital that we spend time with candidate that can make it through an 8 step sales process.
We save lot of time, energy and money if we can only bring in highly qualified, well motivated and financially qualified candidates. The following set of question will help drive that first call (or setting up a 2nd first call)
Here are important questions to ask a person who wants information on your franchise. These questions will let you know if the person calling might be a good candidate to interview, let alone, be a good franchisee. Our candidate earns the right to get further information, time and energy.
After your introduction:
“Well, Mr. Candidate, let me ask you first off, how did you happen to learn/hear about us?” (“Happen” is your key word there. Without it, it’s not a nice question.) Again, depending on the answer, you may still have a few more questions.
“Before I start my part, Mr. Candidate, let me ask you a quick question. What’s your experience in franchising?
Tell me a little bit about your background. I’m always interested in hearing about that.” Use the words “a little bit.” Believe me, they’ll tell you lots.
You can also ask, and have the right to ask the following: “Tell me Mr. Candidate, what you know about our franchise operations?” Depending on the answer, you can find out what candidates are doing now and what they’ve done in the past.
Is it time for a 2nd First Call.
At this point, depending on your initial answers, it might be time to set up a 2nd First Call. “Mr. Candidate, It appears you are looking at lots of brands and lots of business possibilities. Would it be better if I sent you our franchise brochure and website and arrange for a second call, so that you can be better prepared for our recruitment process?
Remember, you need to stay in control. And the best way to stay in control is to ask questions. If you lead off with these questions, you’re not wasting your time. With these techniques, you’ll know in short order if you should ignore them or keep them on the line.
Give to get
It decision time: Do you proceed with the call and start the recruitment process. The next important question to ask is crucial: Are you comfortable with our investment range? Hmmmm , Is this too early to ask, before they know about the opportunity. If your call has gone this far- why not goal the way.
If you GOT, it’s time to GIVE.
If your candidate appears to be qualified, it’s time to give. Now it’s time to ask the final question: What would you like to know about our brand, our opportunity and our franchise expansion plans?
Now it’s time to answer your candidates’ questions.
For more information on how to sell your franchise and how to franchise your business, contact Alan George at [email protected]
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