Examining The Operator-operator Franchise Model – New Market Report Published
New report provides detailed analysis of the Telecommunications market
Published on May 19, 2010
by Press Office
(Companiesandmarkets.com and OfficialWire)
Operator-operator franchises in the mobile telecoms industry are not new. Leading players have licensed their brand or branded products to other market players for more than ten years. Vodafone remains, by far, the chief advocate and promoter of the franchise model. However, while the model has its merits, other mobile operator groups have refrained from embarking on widespread operator-operator franchising activity. In this report, we examine the benefits and challenges of the franchise model and evaluate the value it brings.
Examining the operator-operator franchise model: http://www.companiesandmarkets.com/r.ashx?id=761LH9Q6C271739&prk=c148dc07833012a1b0266417429616a9